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Stock index prices

Find data and news on the world’s major stock indices, all the information you need to spot a stock index opportunity and open a position.

Popular indices

Markets Sell Buy Updated Change
FTSE 100
Wall Street
US 500
France 40
Germany 30
Singapore Blue Chip

Prices are delayed 15 mins. Log in or create an account to see real-time prices. Prices above are subject to our website terms and conditions.

Global indices

Markets Sell Buy Updated Change
FTSE 100
EU Stocks 50
China A50
France 40
US Tech 100

Prices are delayed 15 mins. Log in or create an account to see real-time prices. Prices above are subject to our website terms and conditions.

Indices prices

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How are stock indices priced?

Stock indices are priced in a range of ways, based on the value of their constituents. A price-weighted index, for example, gives greater emphasis to the higher-priced stocks among its constituents. So the higher a constituent company’s share price, the more influence that company has on the index’s movement.

By contrast, a capitalisation-weighted index gives emphasis to the companies among its constituents with the highest market capitalisation – or rather, the market value of their outstanding shares.

At IG, we base our index market prices on futures contracts in the underlying market.

What influences stock index movement?

The price of a stock index is influenced by a range of factors. As a collection of share prices, perhaps the most obvious factor that affects index movement is the price of its constituent stocks. However, indices are also affected by a range of economic and political events. 

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