Stock screener: search, filter and analyse shares
Uncover stocks suited to your strategy with our powerful screener. Filter by sector, price target upside, dividend yield, and more to find investments matching your criteria. Start exploring now to uncover opportunities in the market.
Call 0800 195 3100 or email to talk about opening an account.
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Get info fast via our instant help and support portal. Available for account queries, ProRealTime, product info and more.
Visit help and support for more information.
Call 0800 409 6789 or email if you have any questions about trading or investing. We're available 24/7 between 8am Saturday and 10pm Friday.
Contact us 0800 409 6789
Call 0800 195 3100 or email to talk about opening an account.
Contact us 08001953100
Get info fast via our instant help and support portal. Available for account queries, ProRealTime, product info and more.
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Get info fast via our instant help and support portal. Available for account queries, ProRealTime, product info and more.
Visit help and support for more information.
Call 0800 409 6789 or email if you have any questions about trading or investing. We're available 24/7 between 8am Saturday and 10pm Friday.
Contact us 0800 409 6789
How to use our stock screener
Our stock screener is designed to help you discover shares that align with your investment strategy. Here's how to make the most of it:
- Customise your filters: use the toggles at the top to set your preferred metrics
- Tailor your view: ‘Select columns’ to show the metrics you want displayed for easy comparison
- Prioritise your results: click on any column header to sort shares by that specific metric
Ready to unlock more powerful features? Open an account today to access locked features and more expert analysis.
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Open an account in minutes
Fast execution on a huge range of markets
Enjoy flexible access to 17,000+ global markets, with reliable execution
Deal seamlessly, wherever you are
Trade on the move with our natively designed, award-winning trading app
Feel secure with a trusted provider
With 50 years of experience, we’re proud to offer a truly market-leading service
Open an account in minutes
Open an account in minutes
Fast execution on a huge range of markets
Enjoy flexible access to 17,000+ global markets, with reliable execution
Deal seamlessly, wherever you are
Trade on the move with our natively designed, award-winning trading app
Feel secure with a trusted provider
With 50 years of experience, we’re proud to offer a truly market-leading service
Who are IG?
We’re the world’s No.1 trading provider, 1 based in London, listed on the FTSE 250 and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). With us, you can trade or invest in over 17,000+ markets on our award-winning platforms.
Buy and sell shares or funds with our share dealing platform, or take your position on thousands of global financial markets through spread betting, CFD trading or US-listed options and futures.
What’s more, you’ll get access to round-the-clock support whenever you need it, 24 hours a day, from 8am Saturday to 10pm Friday.
1 Based on OTC revenue (published financial statements, 2024)