IG Smart Portfolio SIPP
Choose one of our five ready-made portfolios to help achieve your retirement goals.
Call 0800 195 3100 or send us an email newaccounts.uk@ig.com with any questions about opening an account between 8am and 6pm (UK time) on weekdays.
Contact us 0800 195 3100
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Get info fast via our instant help and support portal. Available for account queries, ProRealTime, product info and more.
Visit help and support for more information.
Call 0800 409 6789 or email helpdesk.uk@ig.com if you have any questions about investing. We're available 24/7 between 8am Saturday and 10pm Friday.
Contact us 0800 409 6789
Call 0800 195 3100 or send us an email newaccounts.uk@ig.com with any questions about opening an account between 8am and 6pm (UK time) on weekdays.
Contact us 0800 195 3100
Get info fast via our instant help and support portal. Available for account queries, ProRealTime, product info and more.
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Get info fast via our instant help and support portal. Available for account queries, ProRealTime, product info and more.
Visit help and support for more information.
Call 0800 409 6789 or email helpdesk.uk@ig.com if you have any questions about investing. We're available 24/7 between 8am Saturday and 10pm Friday.
Contact us 0800 409 6789
Remember: the value of investments can go up or down. You could get back less than you invest.
What is an IG Smart Portfolio?
IG Smart Portfolios are a collection of ready-made portfolios that have a five-year track record. We think these are the perfect vehicle to use to save for your retirement.

6-year track record

Globally diversified

Managed by experts
Expertly managed
We take investment insights from BlackRock to decide on what goes into your portfolio. To keep you on track, we’ll make adjustments in line with BlackRock’s outlook to reflect changing market dynamics and the global economy. We now have a 5-year track record in managing our customers’ investments.
Global diversification
You will get a globally diversified portfolio that is tailored to your investment goals. Your portfolio will invest in a mix of equities, bonds, property, and commodities that is right for you risk profile.
Built using ETFs
We build your portfolio using exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These give you broad exposure to stock markets, bonds and other asset classes and have a low annual fee to keep your costs down.
Zero transaction fees
We will never charge you commission fees when we buy or sell investments for your portfolio.
Low management fee
Our management fee is low at 0.5% on the value of your investments. We cap your cost at £250 a year per account type, meaning investments over £50,000 are managed free of charge.
Fully flexible
Add funds, withdraw or switch portfolio throughout the day. Your money is not locked in once you invest either. You can move money to and from your Share Dealing SIPP too.
How to open an IG Smart Portfolio SIPP
Open an IG Smart Portfolio account
It takes less than five minutes to open your account through our website or award-winning mobile app.
Add a SIPP account
Add your SIPP through the My IG Dashboard. Here you can pick an IG Smart Portfolio SIPP.
Set up your SIPP plan with Options UK
You will receive an invite from Options UK to set up your SIPP plan via their website. When you have completed this, Options UK will let us know and we will activate your IG SIPP account.
Transfer or fund your SIPP at Options UK
Options can accept transfers from any UK registered pension scheme or recognised overseas pension scheme. You can also set-up regular contributions or make one-off contributions.
Choose your portfolio
When your SIPP plan is activated, you will be able to pick which portfolio to invest in through our dedicated platform. We will help with finding which portfolio may be most suitable by asking you a series of questions to help determine your risk profile.