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How is funding on leveraged share positions calculated?

Shares funding

Size for CFDs means number of shares.

Closing price means underlying market price at 11pm (Swiss time).

If underlying instrument currency is GBP

Size × closing price × SONIA +/- 2.5% ÷ 365

Based on overnight SONIA plus 1 month SONIA adjustment as per ISDA

If underlying instrument currency is CHF

Size × closing price × SARON +/- 2.5% ÷ 365

If underlying instrument currency is USD

Size × closing price × SOFR +/–2.5% ÷ 360

If underlying instrument currency is EUR

Size × closing price × ESTR +/–2.5% ÷ 360

The formula uses a 365-day divisor for UK, Singapore and South African shares, and a 360-day divisor for shares in other markets.