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CFDs are leveraged products. CFD trading may not be suitable for everyone and can result in losses that exceed your deposits, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.

What happens to my position if the company offers tender offer?

When a tender offer is made, the company allows shareholders to sell their shares for a specified price within a certain window period.

Any scale-back of the tender offer may be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions of the offer.

How does tender offer affects my CFD account?

For qualifying shareholders, our corporate actions team will send you an email notification containing the terms of the tender offer, important dates, and the available options for you to take.

To participate in the tender offer, please reply to our corporate actions team email address with your indicated options before the IG deadline specified in the email.

What if I have a short position?

If you hold a short position in your account, you will be liable to be taken up against. This means that your position may be closed at the tender price if you do not close out before the deadline.

Please note: This information is intended as a generic example, and subject to change at any point. It may not apply in every scenario.